26 Sep Pray and Meditate to Survive this Economic Downturn

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Hey Izania family, don't let the economic downturn
get you all stressed out. Losing sleep about your
business or financial situation isn't good for your

I know it is hard to not to be totally on edge when
things are challenging economically. Especially with
your business and personal life at stake.

Believe me I can feel your pain. Recently I have
faced some of the most challenging issues in my
life time (this recession pales in comparison).

This is how I made it -- Prayer and meditation.
These are some ways it helped.

(1) Prayer keeps me connected to a higher power.

(2) The upliftment from prayer enhances my mood.

(3) Meditation at night clears my mind

Prayer and meditation can clear your head and allow
you to focus on solutions and not be fixated on

Look into them both they can change your life.

Have a blessed and prosperous day,


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Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55