21 Oct Obama vs. McCain -- 14 days to go. Why do citizens in 70 countries prefer Obama to McCain?

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World Citizens Prefer Obama to McCain by Nearly 4-to-1

FROM CNN's Jack Cafferty:
Senator John McCain says when it comes to foreign policy he's light years ahead of Barack Obama. Over and over again, McCain has insisted Obama lacks the necessary experience to conduct business with foreign countries on behalf of the United States.

So how do you explain this?

Gallup Polls conducted in 70 countries from May to September 2008 reveal widespread international support for Democratic Sen. Barack Obama over Republican Sen. John McCain in the U.S. presidential election. Among these nations, representing nearly half of the world's population, 30% of citizens say they would personally rather see Obama elected president of the United States, compared with just 8% who say the same about McCain. At the same time, 62% of world citizens surveyed did not have an opinion.

Overall, citizens in Europe are the most likely to state a preference for the next president of the United States and to think the election makes a difference to their country. Citizens in Asia are the least likely to state a preference for the next president of the United States and to think the election makes a difference to their country. In individual countries, only Georgia and the Philippines prefer McCain to Obama.

Click Here for detailed results.

Why do you think citizens in 70 countries prefer Obama to McCain?


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55