07 Nov Cutting Your Slice of Investment Pie

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Cutting Your Slice of Investment Pie

Have you ever felt like there was something great out there in the world for you? Have you ever looked at a friend or family member and said to them, "I am destined for greatness!"

The truth is, we have all felt this way at some point in our lives but the question is, what have you done to prepare yourself to achieve that greatness? Making the decision to become a Real Estate Investor was the best thing that I could have done for myself. All it took was determination and the concept of "THINK BIG!"  I am sure everyone wants a slice of that good old American Pie.  Well as a successful Real Estate investor; I am going to share with you how to cut your slice of Investment Pie.

First, I want to share my 3-step formula. These are the quintessential steps in "flipping" a property and building your investment business:

  • Find properties that are well below market value
  • Invest money and time to renovate the property

And lastly,

  • Sell that property at retail market value.

Second, it is a great idea to assemble your "A-Team". Listed below are three people that will be important to your success:

  • Appraiser
  • Real Estate Agent
  • Reputable Contractor


These are just a few individuals that should be a part of your Million dollar dream team that will need to help you in your investment decision making. Every one of these individuals are an important ingredient to your investment pie. They will be there to help you out and give you a ton of helpful advice. Be careful in choosing your team and make sure they are reputable and an expert in their field. Bad advice can have a financial effect on your business.  Of course it will take some time to find the right people for your team but the key is to stay focused and professional. Greatness takes careful planning and patience!

Third, before you start to look at individual properties to purchase, you should first target at least four or five neighborhoods where you will focus on purchasing your properties. You don't want to select areas where there is a high crime rate and the schools are dreadful. Keep in mind that no one will purchase your property in a bad area, even if the property has been renovated and the deal is incredible. So, look around and research areas in your city. It pays off to do a little digging. Remember, this is your business and you have to treat it as if it were a growing child. You must nurture it and decide what is best so that it can grow!

If you have done all of the above mentioned things, you are now ready to go! Remember, this is just the beginning. There are many phases to becoming a successful Real Estate investor but with faith and determination, you can build a fountain of wealth for yourself and your family. I have learned that anything in this world worth having, you've got to work for it. With the concept of "THINK BIG", you will be on your way to financial security!  Thank you for taking the time to read this article.




     Annetta Powell




Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55