01 Mar Are You My Brotha's Helper?

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Over and over again people are still asking 'what is Pres. Obama gonna do?' when his answer was to rise to the top of the U.S. mantle and provide leadership and direction. He has done that. I may not be down with all he has done or promoted, or impressed with some of those he has surrounded himself with, but he's still my 'brotha' and I acknowledge that I too have a responsibility and opportunity to incite change under his administration where I live and even abroad.

For many years now I have opined, discussed, shared and elaborated out loud what Black America; and the Diaspora could do for themselves instead of looking to the outside and others. Apparently most of it fell on deaf ears because here we are still in the same condition physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.

I asked, why Black America can't form their own membership based program like the AAA Auto program. We have millions of us with both jobs (for now) and cars, but we still rely on another program to provide us with a sense of security that we can in fact provide ourself. Not to put down AAA, but what exactly do they do or have done for the betterment of Black businesses, communities, youth and neighborhoods in which we live?


With about 50 million members, AAA is a very strong brand in the US. 

Even at the minimum annual dues rate of $54, this is a great deal of money and in most cases the tow trucks, mechanics and other suppliers,,, few Black automotive companies benefit. Such a network creates jobs, training opportunities and therefore pays bills and builds wealth for all those involved; which ain't us. A mere 1M subscribers to an Africentric Auto Club would be a platform to build off of; talking about it is not!

I asked, why is it that Balck America is mostly on the receiving end of social and economic programs and services; whether formal or informal?

Pres. Obama challenged all adults to further their knowledge and education by seeking and securing another skill. Whether completing another degree, obtaining certification in another field, or enhancing your knowledge in the field you are in,,, we again are more consumers than providers of education services. Few of us are providers of federal-funded programs made available to the poor and low income (while many of our people fit that very mold). Few of use are supplemental service providers under No Child Left Behind (while Black children are those left the furthest behind). I can't think of one Black-owned company that provides online instruction and education programs for people to either upgrade their knowledge or for Black managed agencies to affiliate with for expand their program base. Yes, most of Black America chooses to stay on the sidelines and read about it; not be about it.

With billions to be spread out across the United States under the stimulus & recovery package, where will we be when it comes to rehabbing schools? Weatherizing homes? Insulating homes for the poor and low income? Are we prepared to bid on and supply the materials for this work, conduct the pre-employment and skills training that will be needed to not just help people get jobs; but to keep them? I missed the State of the Black Union by Tavis, but were these mentioned?

Besides the billions to fix, repair and maintain roads or bridges, here are a few highlights on where da money will go:

$225 million for general criminal justice grants for things such as youth mentoring programs    

$2 billion for the Byrne Justice Assistance Grant, a program that has funded after-school programs    

$735 million for road repairs and maintenance    

$8 billion of the fund could be used for other priorities, including modernization and renovation of schools and colleges    

$5 billion is marked to help low-income homeowners make energy improvements    

$20 billion aimed at "green" jobs to improve energy efficiency in schools and federal buildings    

30 percent tax credit of up to $1,500 which can be used by homeowners to replace leaky windows or put more insulation into the attic 

Where do you stand on making something out of this funding stream that will help the Brotha succeed? Or are we all just talk?

Ask not what Obama can do for you or your country, but ask yourself what YOU CAN DO to help this brotha implement a pathway for our brothers and sisters where you at.

I read where over 1 billion dollars will go to Jewish groups so they can provide programs and services to people meeting needs criteria, but let's face it, they have a strong collective lobby group in DC and around the U.S. to ensure they get something and they aslo have this knack of sharing and supporting each other; something we don't have. (but can begin)

Brothers and Sisters, this is not rocket science. Its beyond pontification points. Its not about me or you. What it's all about is timing.

Many never believed there would be a Black President of the United States but this TIME, there was. Many believe that Black folks will do what they have always done, but this TIME we can prove them wrong. This is the TIME whereas we can benefit and prosper from the opportunities brought about by the adversities of the day; and as a team of dedicated thinkers I believe we can accomplish more in 4 years than we have in the last 24.  But it will take some dedicated, collective and committed work, because little in life comes for free or easy.


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55