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African America ministers/leaders have yet to recognize the glaring biblical similarities and parallels between the former Secretary of the United States Condoleezza Rice and Queen Esther from The Holy Bible's, Book of Esther.

Queen Esther and the former Secretary of State have something very biblical in common, both women were appointed for such a time as this. Black ministers/leaders without the benefit of "divine" defined intelligence can't make the spiritual connection.

African Americans and black ministers/leaders have failed to recognize that the former Secretary State is the 21st Century Queen Esther. African Americans and black ministers/leaders have failed to recognize the hand of God.

In the year 2000 the European players announced that they had no interest in the affairs of Africa, but by June 2005 the powerful hand of God is felt worldwide in the persona of the former Secretary of State Condeleezza Rice.

African Americans and black ministers/leaders failed to see that there was a divine purpose, connection and strategic advantage to having an African American female as the Secretary of State in the 21st Century.

Just as Queen Esther from the Holy Bible (Book of Esther) intervened and appealed to the king on behalf of her people to save them from elimination Condeleezza Rice. also appealed to the world leaders to spare the lives of her people in Africa.

Thanks to the powerful spiritual influence from a God-sent African American female the British and European players have negotiated ways to heal our land, forgive our debts and increase international and world trade.

Thanks to the former Secretary of State, Condeleezza Rice. the world now perceives Africa and its people as a valuable and intricate part of humanity. The world is in a cordial and receptive mood towards Africans but African Americans did not nor could not recognize God's divine intervention on their behalf.

In May of 2005, Black Entertainment Television (B.E.T.) provided a platform that allowed a "Haman" styled black comedian to assassinate the image, integrity and persona of the Secretary of State through jest, ridicule and morbid self-depreciating humor.

African Americans sat laughing at the most beneficial aspect to our survival. African Americans without defined intelligence could not and did not recognize that they are laughing at the answer to their prayers.

Undefined intelligence has caused African Americans to literally laugh themselves to death.

The failure of African Americans and black ministers/leaders to recognize Condeleezza Rice. as divine intervention has prove to be a death sentence for African Americans.

Despite being ostracized, mocked and laughed at by the undefined intelligence of African Americans, the former Secretary of State of the 21st century none-the-less manifested the promise made to us by the true and living God in 2 Chronicles 7:14.

In the year 2009 Out of Africa a black man arose to rule and become the symbol of divine proof that 2 Chronicles 7:14. has been manifested and that Gods will shall be done.

Sincerely, Enoch Mubarak
President/CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55