17 Jul SUPPORT THE RED, GREEN AND BLACK @ http://www.mubarakinter-prizes.com/

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Now I ask, "How can we change our attitudes of not supporting each other to make a change for the better whether we are in Boston or around the country?"
Doreen Wade
Publisher, New England Informer News Magazine

I feel we can change our attitude of not supporting each other by supporting the Red, Green and Black Flag.

Many blacks see the Red, Green and Black flag and then cross the street to be on the side of the Red, White and Blue flag when the Red, White and Blue flag made its wealth off the Red, Green and Black flag.

The Red, Green and Black flag to many blacks represent black militancy and as such blacks avoid associating with the Red, Green and Black in expectation of trouble from whites or a shoot out with the police.

They side with the Red, White and Blue but can't understand why the Red, White and Blue resent black patronage when they know you have the Red, Green and Black. White people resent blacks that attempt to share claim in their legacy.

White people have more in common and association with blacks that show pride in their own history and legacy than with blacks that go out of their way to be good Red, White and Blue Negroes.

If you want better relations and interactions with white America then represent for the Red, Green and Black. Whites don't want you sharing in their flag when you could be promoting your own.

Whites joined in the civil rights struggle to help you in your struggle not theirs. White civil right marchers did not have to support your struggle but they had respect for blacks that had the courage to stand up for the dignity of the Red, Green and Black.

The Red is for the blood, the Green is for the land and the Black is for the people. White people go to Africa to help you with your struggle. They teach in inner city schools to help you with your education. They build housing to keep you in your community. They build banks so you can save money where you live but blacks will have none of it.

Blacks instead want affirmative action, more welfare and affordable housing in white areas. They want to shop in the white areas, eat in the white restaurants and raise and educate their children with white children.

It is not enough that the whites bring into black areas the avenues of opportunity to do for self because blacks don't want to do for self. Logic being why should we do for self when we can use and sue the white people for theirs?

Consider this: On the Internet there are white social sites and black social sites

Read what some fair weather blacks and good Negroes from a predominately black social site has to say about the white sites in comparison to their own.

I use both Social Networking Services. Most of my personal friends are on Face book. I enjoy sharing good content on Twitter

I like Facebook because you can build groups and a presence. You can also instantly chat.

I use them both and find them both to be valuable.

First to address about promoting a Black webportal.... We've all been doing that for years and you see where it's got us

The bottom line is Blacks are a minority...Period! There are more whites online then Blacks and they are setting the trends. My position is this...wherever there is a crowd.... There's Money!

What blacks have to say about their social site:

One would think that with all these brilliant minds, we would be more supportive and helpful to one another.

It also sickens me that we continue to down each instead of lifting each other up.

Interaction with the people on this site can make a world of difference to what direction you go next.

I was talking to hubby today and were talking about how the black stereotype that we are at war with each other. All we do is prove the stereotype RIGHT.

I also agree with you - there have been so many times that I reached out to support someone with their product/service only to be ignored, or whatever....and I go 'elsewhere' and get quick service.

There are so many great people here, but for some reason, no one wants to celebrate with each other, but rather tear each other down. It's really sad.
I don't think it's ever gonna change.

I have been saying this for years now! But, I will go on step further; not only is CB, not what and where it should be MOST of the "Black NING SITES" are just a place for folks to "hang out"! The are no more than "CYBER LOUNGES"!

I invited a few of my friends here from other business sites and they can't stop laughing.

My dear beloved black people
Stop coveting what white America have and stop self-hating on you. Support the Red, Green and black. Do for self and that way we all can enjoy and share in the benefits from the Red White and Blue.

Come to http://null/www.mubarakinter-prizes.htm%E2%80%9D and see the beauty of your Red, Green and Black web-site before an offer is made to purchase it from the Red, White and Blue.

Sincerely, Enoch Mubarak
President/CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55