08 Feb Self Published? Are You Really An Author?

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Self Published? Are You Really An Author?
by Nanette Buchanan

  • Questions posed by Black Pearls Magazine:   As a self-published author, do you get the same respect as authors produced by traditional publishing houses? Are you really an author in the eyes of your peers?

    I really found this conversation quite interesting. Being a self published author and consistently looking for opportunities which include, literary agents, publicist and other avenues, I've found that each path has it's ups and downs. It depends on what you're willing to pay for, have the patience for or have had an experience with. I decided to self publish, not to duck the traditional guidelines but after being scammed by a few of the "so-called" people of the industry, I decided if I should lose another dime it will be because I tossed it in the well not someone else.

As far as the editing, marketing, advertising and sales I agree we all need the win win path. Most of us will complain about what others have or have not done but there are only a few willing to share the concepts without a cost. Again, the competitive edge.......so why complain if you have the perfect novel, the desired genre, the distribution and your sales? Why worry about the self published author that lacks the knowledge, courage or intelligence to know that with research they could have a best seller? If they are making phenomenal sales, it's because they have captured what we often forget, an audience.

I don't have time to worry about your method as a writer.....I wish you success. I wish you the best in what you do. I wish you all the blessings and hope to read your methods, your path and learn from your experience as I grow as a self published author. Some traditional authors use this term "self published author" as though it was a virus that was rapidly spreading. A disease that should have been quarantined and forbidden to resurface. There are so many readers, so many genre's, so many paths to promote and sale that we should be encouraging each other.

We all agree that this is not a get rich venture, only those who take it serious (proper editing, promotions, marketing) will succeed. The readers may read the "new" novel but will they follow that lazy author. I seriously doubt it. There are many best selling authors that started as "self published" authors. There are many markets that have those who create their own method and audience and still do well. So does the "self published" author. Those in the industry who have those query letters that have not been answered, the dreaded pain of trying to meet the deadlines, the arguments to save their creativity while working with the editor, and yes finally being signed, do deserve kudos.

But, honestly, just because they do doesn't mean that the "self published" author doesn't deserve to share the world of readers who really don't care.......as long as the story is well written and holds them captive.

Self Published? Are You Really an Author? Yes, I am definitely a successfully, published Author!

Thank God the decision to publish is not left to those who decided they would NEVER self-publish........the success is not how it's published but rather or not it's purchased. Self published books do sell.....ask Stephen King or Tyler Perry.


About the Author
Nanette M. Buchanan was born, raised and educated in Newark, New Jersey. After graduating from Arts High School in Newark she attended Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey. It was then that she first set her pen to pad, written expressions of her love for poetry. She is a proud mother, wife and grandmother, now residing in Somerset, New Jersey.

Her pad to pen accomplishments include three volumes of poetry; Thoughts, Thoughts & Reflections, and Quiet Times; five children stories and seven novels. Nanette's first published work and debut novel was "Family Secrets....Lies & Alibis".

Since then the publication of the sequel, "A Different Kind of Love" and the release of her first volume of poetry, "Thoughts" an e-book hit the market. In October of 2009, Nanette's murder mystery, "Bruised Love" was released. It is her goal to become a successful author without limits. The author is available for personal appearances, chats and signings.

Books by Author Nanette M. Buchanan

  • Bruised Love
  • Family Secrets, Lies & Alibi
    • A Different Kind of Love

Books are available wherever books are sold and online:


Contact Information

  • Website: http://www.ipendesigns.net

• View the Video Postcard: http://www.audioacrobat.com/note/CR5Q90VQ



Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55