09 Mar Come Get Your BUZZ On

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In my opinion, the Monday night training session moderated by Jim Allen was a good focused session and typifies what can happen when the audience gets involved in the session via their comments and questions. The bottom-line is, learning takes place and people feel they have had a worthy experience. I further believe this is one of the reasons why the number of people coming to the 12SC sessions has remained constant with increasing numbers since we started. Of course if you have not been there yet, it is probably difficult for you to fully relate to the excitement I am describing. If you have been to a sporting event and everyone sitting around you were yelling for the same team and that team were winning, there is a certain energy that is created by this. The same thing happens in our training room when the participants interact with the moderators via comments and questions as mentioned above; a buzz is created. Most importantly however, learning is taking place and that is a good thing. Certainly, this is exciting and equally beneficial for all involved as we seek to become better Internet Marketers. I would remind those who are not familiar with this training scenario I am describing, that is a part of the 30 Days Free Trial of 12 Second Commute that I have been offering . That the training sessions are included in a trial offer, is and of itself, most unusual, but then, I have always maintained to you that 12 Second Commute is like nothing you have ever seen. Even now as other companies scramble to duplicate what we do, they fall short, mainly because their intent and purpose (say HEART) are not where they should be. As a result, 12SC will long be a leader in the industry and  will experience unparalleled growth. So for people Doing Business From Home 12 SC will become the driving force behind more and more home-based businesses as the word spreads about what is offered here. It is up to us to spread the word via our own business models and reach as wide a market as we desire. How many other of your associates have you shared 12 Second Commute with? And you are waiting for What?



Olson Rogers

Home Business Advocate

Small Business Friend

202 N. Main St., SW

Milledgeville, GA 31061-3855

478.288.0083  Skype: OlsonRogers

email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Let me tell you an exciting story, with

 you in the title role

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55