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Do you believe that Rahm Emanuel will win Chicago's race for Mayor???

Many say yes... not because he is such a great candidate but because he is paved to be Mayor or POPULARITY. As  Chicagoan, I am seeing the most obvious/circus popularity contest in Chicago politic history and I for one agree that Emanuel has the Mayoral race in the bag.

However, the sad part about this scenario is that most Emanuel supporters are voting not so much for their own interest but for status. Many have said to vote for Rahm solely because he worked side by side with Barack Obama at the White House, and others say he has all of our interests truly at heart, but that's not the case at all... particularly for African Americans.


The Facts About Rahm Emanuel

Rahm did not endorse President Barack Obama for U.S. Senate or in the Presidential Primary

As. U. S. Congressman, Rahm voted against efforts of the (CBC) Congressional Black Caucus 128 Times!

For Example, Rahm voted against:


-CBC's efforts to secure adequate funding for education and affordable housing. H.R. 95-H. Con. Res. 393-H. Con. Res.99.

-CBC's efforts to send $5million in 2004 for access to water during the drought in sub-Sahara Africa. H.R. 4818

-CBC's efforts to save job and retraining programs for federal prisoners in 2006. H.R. 2965

-CBC's attempt to fund the National Center on Minority Health to fight cancer, diabetes, AIDS, heart diseases and infant mortality in minority communities, 2004. H.R. 5006

-Funding for a pharmacy school for Chicago State University 2003. H.R. 2673

-The amendment that would have stopped credit companies from raising their introductory rates because of payment records on other credit cards. H.R. 2622, 9/10/2003

-Voted to protect sellers of "downed" animal meat (meat from animals that are unable to stand or walk unassisted-thus-probably sick) from being sued. The Ackerman amendment to HR 339, March 11, 2004

-Casted a number of key votes that eroded American citizens civil liberties and privacy rights often while helping his top campaign contributors. Warrantless wiretaps and surveillance. H.R. 3199-12/14/2005; H.R. 2050, 4/27/2006; H.R. 6304, The FISA Amendments Act of 2008, Roll 6/21/2008


And last but not least, it is documented that he said.... "F--k the CBC (The congressional Black Caucus)". This is tantamount to saying... F--k Black people period in my book. This race  for mayor has developed into the final chapter of Rahm vs. CHICAGO's African American Community and the city as a whole as he continues to buy votes. So how can we defeat him??? ever thin how deep his campaign pockets have grown since he's even achieved donations from people that don't even live in Chicago, like Steven Speilberg--- and every candidate (which I personally met) knows this and has waged war on Emanuel and his machine (reminiscent of the Daley Machine).

Now for those who don't know how this machine was set up for Rahm to Steal the Ballot- yes that's right and eventually take the Mayoral seat, I will explain how in Part TWO of this report after the election. however, there's still there's a fighting chance that candidates Chico or perhaps Del Valle can spawn a run-off. Especially since Del Valle has won most of the forums & debates catapulting him to 3rd place- not far behind Chico in the poles.

But for now... lets take the time to follow the coverage this Tuesday night (for those whom are interested)  Mayoral Election Night 2011 by viewing the nights activities from Doc Walls venue of choice LIVE on our historic broadcast! I'd like to thank the candidates who have supported my Network and MFN LIVE and all Media outlets for blessing  me with the opportunities given.

See you on MFN LIVE election night!


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55