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I was going to leave this one alone, but I couldn’t resist this one for it needs to be put in its proper perspective! Now that more information, cross referencing and conspiracy theories have circulated throughout the past week by the media, government and society on this matter, I felt it’s now time to put all this mixed up crap into some kind of civil perspective. Let’s call this a realistic evaluation of this incident.

First and foremost, yes, I know Osama Bin laden was the bad guy with hands on directing, organizing and funding many anti-establishment & terror organizations with the result of killing thousands over the years. This is due to his over-the top- militant Psycho physiological disorder and he happened to have Billions of dollars mostly inherited from his family background to aid in carrying out his & their agenda’s. I have no love for Bin Laden, so let’s make it clear this is no Bin Laden praise or honor rebuttal/ article. He was the prime target in wartime which made him public enemy no. 1 throughout the world and I‘m glad this saga has come to an end. However my gripe is the decision to end it this way and the lie that has been told. It is the way it was handled that’s fueling the many beliefs that this story is not quite what it is presented to be.


Over the past week we were bombarded with a continuous massive flood of information, misinformation, facts & fallacies surrounding this incident. But the most disturbing part of the aftermath is the lack of rationale thinking and analysis of this incident & recovery operation in relation to Stealth Raids and international criminal status of this magnitude as displayed by our media, government officials and the general populace.

If you’ve been following the Bin Laden killing story after it broke Sunday evening, May 1, 2011, you’ve heard how the raid took place changed at least twice, and also how the reaction and position of Bin Laden and those in the room where the killing took place changed at least twice-and maybe even altered a third time. Now for a highly extreme intelligence operation, carried out by the country’s highest supreme tactical covert -Navy Seals unit, well, this alone tells us that something is not right in this scenario.


So, you need more evidence that this plot is a pre-planned covered-up made for movie scenario? Ok-Here it is.


When the story broke, around 9:40pm President Obama addressed the Nation stating that a navy Seal Team shot & Killed Osama Bin Laden in a compound in Pakistan, then they took pictures and DNA before carting his body back to be transported to a navy vessel where it was then moved out to the North Arabian Sea where they conveniently dumped the body (the evidence). President Obama mentioned that they decided to dump the body into the sea because they wanted to respect & abide by MUSLIM BURRIAL TRADITION. Later, the raid story changed from Bin Laden being armed to being unarmed.


After giving the reason for the burial at sea, many local Muslims and the Muslim nation refuted this excuse because this is not the traditional way of burying their dead. Which brings us to…


Do you know how much the president had blemished the integrity & professionalism of the highest top rated Navy Seals Unit in the Land? Shooting and killing an unarmed Man! Because Bin Laden was unarmed, this is by LAW an assassination! This brings us to…


If you know military procedures, you never Kill an international (super intelligence) crime figure on the level of Bin Laden that’s supposedly the main organizer & financier & of hundreds of splinter terror cells plots across the planet, with a huge focus on the United States, Europe and of course Middle Eastern Countries that oppose their agendas without interrogating him, especially if the person in question was supposedly un-armed! Here we have the world’s biggest Leader & symbol of terrorism- who happens to be a billionaire by the way- coordinating & financing Al Qaeda & other terror cells with a cache of vital information deep inside his head and you kill him??? As we say…YEAHHHH RIGHT! Yes, I know Pres. Obama promised in 2008 that he would find and Kill Osama Bin Laden and crush Al Qaeda, which was also a clue of what was to come, but why would you kill this level of intelligence without interrogation??? After the proper intelligence interrogation, they could have killed him with high ranking officials & some of the families of the 911 victims present. Its called execution. They do this with other convicted crime figures and also mass murderer’s on death row, so why not with the biggest international crime figure of our time that organized the killings of thousands-perhaps hundreds of  thousands of innocent people across the planet, including on our own soil on 9-11???  Does this sound a bit funny to you by now??? Can you smell the manure from a thousand of miles away???  I smelled it the night of Sunday, May 1st!

Folks, this is the biggest catch in the past 100 year History of this country, with the possible exception of Adolph Hitler. That means this is the CATCH OF THE CENTURY! Any high ranking military personnel will tell you this is not handled in this manner. Just go and ask any of them! So what- they confiscated 5 computers, 10 hard drives, several phones and 2 phone numbers sewn into his garments– so they say… but the real information, the crucial most recent/current information is buried in his head! Any highly intelligent person keeps their most recent, crucial & secretive information in their head! They do NOT put massive sensitive information in a computer(s) that is not guarded by highly sophisticated security measures for sources to seize and extract this easily. The computers would have at least been rigged for destruction during a raid of this magnitude. As soon as he heard the firepower outside or the warning signal from an operative outside viewing the helicopters coming over the compound, he would have pressed a button to destroy the computers or at least the hard-drives within.  Standard procedures are to capture- YES CAPTURE the TARGET- if possibly alive, and bring then in for interrogation. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was water boarded before they stopped water boarding and the government came in to do interrogations! This is documented and if you remember, it is also documented that the Bush administration stopped looking for Osama Bin Laden just after this time! Now if this was really Bin Laden, they would have captured him alive, and first; drugged him with the most powerful TRUTH SERUM available - and you know they have it and would have used it. Even enough alcohol in the system is considered a truth serum by many so you know they can make an alternate version then second; simultaneously hooked him up to their most advanced lie detector machines while viewed by body reaction (language) analysis professionals before asking him the hard questions. There you go! The first question you ask him is about his identity.  Q- Who are you? Q-Where were you born? Q-What is your position in the Afghan Military, Al Qaeda and so on? Then you ask him about any Terror Cells planted, his financing of these cells and other organizations and the times of executing their attacks and so on.  How about finding any information in his head on attacks they could have thwarted over the next 3 months to the next three years??? Do you know how many lives could have been saved starting today with that kind of information???  Do you really think Obama and his aides dint think of this??? I don’t believe that Obama, his chief of staff, general So & So or any intelligence officer wouldn’t have been that stupid and neither should you. The first group of questions would definitely verify his identity beside the DNA samples. Now if this process of capturing and interrogation that you hear in the media that happens every time you hear of international crime and local figure’s captured taking place, WHY- NOT- THIS??? The information alone retrieved from Bin Laden’s head is worth its weight in GOLD!


Let’s go back to the dumping of the body. If they took the time to cart the body out to a U.S. naval ship then cruse out to the middle of the North Arabian Sea, they could have took the body and shipped it back to Andrews Air Force Base for proper identification and examination by the world’s top forensic scientists ordered by the president. By doing so, you have a chain of credited eye witnesses’ during the entire process of shipping, examining and viewing the body- including the President himself. Remember, the mission was so top secret –which is well understood - that only a small handful of individuals knew it had taken place. However, after mission accomplished, the number of people (including high ranking government officials) perhaps at least a hundred or more-from Pakistan to Andrews Air Force base viewing each stage of bringing in the body would have been credited, documented and also quickly reported.  Just think of all the videos & pic’s shown on You-Tube, Face Book and tweets on Twitter by bystanders witnessing this historic moment! THINK ABOUT IT PEOPLE!  After the president has viewed the body with picture’s taken during this process, then the top forensic examiners would have verified that this was indeed Osama Bin Laden. Now if this aftermath of assassinating Bin Laden was handled in this matter, there would be absolutely no question of the death or capturing of Bin Laden to the entire world thus leaving no room or logic for any doubter’s & conspiracy theories period!  Also, in wartime, you NEVER tell the PUBLIC and your ENEMIES that you are going to assassinate or kill WHOEVER! He was our ally for over 30 years! And also, did the United States have the Moral Authority to go into a sovereign Nation to pull this off?  We went to another country and assassinated someone without informing or asking that country for its permission and then turned around to accuse them (Pakistan) of harboring him.


The way they played it, pictures of Bin Laden dead with a gash in his head are insignificant because of 1. How the entire raid & disposal procedure was handled (or perhaps botched) from start to finish and 2. Because of the knowledge of today’s techniques in applying makeup & digital photography, you can easily create convincing pictures. Bin Laden himself could have posed for the pics, had professional makeup placed on him and by taking the pics at the right angle- you have the most precise & convincing picture’s of a dead Osama Bin Laden. Now someone asked me (like they asked millions of Americans) if by viewing the gruesome pictures of Bin Laden now do I believe he is dead?  If the procedure of capturing his body and bringing it back as evidence to the United States and being properly examined and documented by the many high ranking government officials in line, and took pics in that manner, then yes I would believe the pictures taken were indeed that of Osama Bin Laden, but not the way they told the story.

In addition to this Media farce, I knew the rightwing /conservatives/republicans /Obama hatin- Racists (the Sean Hannity’s, Mark Levin’s, Rush Limbaugh’s… etc) would have their spin on this-mostly discrediting Obama and crediting George W. Bush as much as possible despite the fact that they had to give him praise to a certain extent because of the Nature of the situation. It’s also documented that Bush said…  “I don’t know where he is and I’m not concerned”. In fact, Bush even DEFUNDED the mission to seek & capture or kill Bin Laden. Yet all the right-wingers gave all the credit to George W. Bush. Bush even declined to go to the ceremony at ground zero after Barack Obama had invited him! During a debate in 2008, Barack Obama said he would go into Afghanistan or wherever to Kill Bin Laden. But the conservatives continuously drilled the statement… “He continued Bush Policies” to their listening audience because they do not want this president to get the credit for formulating and carrying out the mission that found and killed Bin Laden. 

The following day after the big announcement was made, -Monday morning I listened to Rush Limbaugh for his (well anticipated) spin on the Raid. Just as I figured, Limbaugh gave more praise to former president George W. Bush for the killing (assassination) of Osama Bin Laden. Rush repeatedly said… “ I congratulate Obama for continuing the policies of George Bush for the Killing of Osama Bin Laden.” Rush repeated this statement at least 5 times within 7 minutes of the beginning of his show. He repeated this statement so many times that it sounded like a broken record or the looping of a pre-recorded audio track. Limbaugh and others knows how drilling certain statements to a lame audience can sway the opinions of the majority of their listeners.  As the Psychologists say…”The more often you tell a Lie, the more it becomes the truth”. The water boarding, go getem, cowboy tactics didn’t work, but BUSH gets the Credit? No a chance!!! I won’t let it happen!!!  These people and certain parts of government hate the Middle Class. Middle class people are educated and will come up through the ranks and run this country.

Recent sources say that they knew 3 years ago that Bin Laden was in a villa in a compound in Pakistan and they waited for the opportune moment to strike and to make sure it was really Osama. The CIA even built a replica of the Compound to train for the raid. Bin Laden himself said in an interview that he had nothing to do with 911 but he was glad it happened. They just used his name for 911 after he befriended the CIA back in the 80’s. Also, since when do covert military /government operations explain in a step-by step manner on how they execute TOP SECRET OPERATIONS??? – Not to mention that all of the terror cell organizations are taking note of this??? Remember, COVERT includes STEALTH & TOP SECRET. WHY would they reveal these secrets—unless they were not covert-operational raiding secrets in the first place???  THERE IT IS!!!!



3 trillion dollars was spent mainly on the search & seizure of this man in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan, killing thousands of innocent people (vengeance enough?) and you essentially assassinated him instead of capturing him??? THE CATCH OF THE CENTURY???  Perhaps our government doesn’t realize that we know what 3 trillion dollars represents in solving the many problems plaguing our own country! If I spent 3 trillion dollars on one person over the last 9 years, I definitely wouldn’t have assassinated him; I would have brought him back alive, put him on display and simultaneously televised his interrogation to the Nation. Only then would I have then killed him EXECUTION STYLE (Lethal Injection) while televising it to the entire nation. Then I would have flown his body back to his country and respectively turned it over to his people, in which every step in this process would have been thoroughly covered by reliable government officials and the media and well documented.  After all, throughout history what’s the nature of man when he captures a PRIZE of this MAGNITUDE??? He puts it on DISPLAY. This way, this country wouldn’t have gained the reputation that we can go into any country to assassinate a person - a person that claimed he did not organize or commanded any aspect of the 911 attacks… and so on.


You have to remember that United States of America is a business and the Bin Laden family has been doing business with this country for over 30 years. Since Bin Laden was also a Billionaire, with that in mind it is highly plausible that Bin Laden had made a big business deal with the powers that be to fake his killing by this country, change is identity and live in another country-perhaps to the tune of a few billion dollars for which this country desperately needs these days. And yes this is another move to distract us from our current crucial issues affecting everyone in this country… unemployment, Illegal Immigration that’s taking jobs away from African Americans, continuously rising gas prices, eliminating programs that aid the impoverished like Planned Parenthood and the current nuclear poisoning of our environment and our bodies.  This incident is also a convenient publicity move to strengthen Obama’s Public Opinion Rating and votes for his re-election campaign. Yes I do believe Bin Laden could be dead; the only thing is when he was actually killed and the obvious timing in deciding to tell us now. On the other hand, he could have been killed several years ago as claimed by many people with videos proving so beginning with the David Frost Interview of Benaizar Bhutto seen on You-Tube. It’s either one or the other, but most definitely and without a doubt, it was not Osama Bin Laden that was killed (executed) on Sunday, May 1st 2011, only his Saga.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55