21 Dec Plan Proposed To Address Corporate Greed Globally

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Plan Proposed To Address Corporate Greed Globally: 

Let's develop a campaign to get Corporations to Voluntarily donate 25% of their annual profits to a local school, charity or nonprofit of their choice. For those who refuse, we stop buying their goods and services. When their profits drop by 25%, they will get on board. We can become the first Nation to show support for an innovative idea that could have the greatest impact on the world by reducing corporate greed in a way that is fair to all. 99% Proposes the 25% Plan. A Win-Win Solution 4 All. Spread The Word of this Plan.  Leadership solves problems without excuses!

Charles E. Campbell This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55