One of the categories of this new e-world is entitled For Parents of African American Young Girls and Teen girls. It presents helpful information for mothers and fathers seeking advice, ideas, and suggestions. The information addresses issues and concerns that parents encounter when guiding and raising their African American daughters.
Another interesting focus of the website is the High Achievers. High Achievers are young girls and teen girls recommended by their parents for personalized recognition. Recognition may be for academic and sports related achievements or parents might choose to acknowledge their daughters attitudes, personal growth efforts, and responsible behaviors as a form of reinforcement or kudos so to speak. Family members, friends, and optimistic visitors provide encouraging comments and electronic pats on the back.
Special features include numerous links to programs that encourage participation of African American young girls and teen girls. This national listing includes organizations, camps, clubs, etiquette info, and mentoring programs. Contact information and links to these valuable resources are all available for anyone seeking alternatives for improving the outcome of young black teen girls.
There is so much media coverage of African American teen girls and alarming statistics about teen pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, and inappropriate conduct. I believe that in order to help the girls who have fallen off track, we have to expose them to something other than reminders of their offenses. Advertising their shortcomings has been the norm for some time now and in my humble opinion, it's not helping but it is breaking their spirit.
On this site, we strive to counterbalance the girls' well-publicized shortfalls by introducing an overflow of encouragement and hopeful possibilities. If a teen girl has made numerous calamitous decisions and she is alive, she still has an opportunity to change her path towards a flourishing and rewarding life. Afro Puffs and Ponytails is an attempt to demonstrate this belief by serving as a positive website of empowerment and inspiration
For more information about Afro Puffs and Ponytails, please visit their website.