Is she defined by her nose and lips broad or straight, full or thin
or could it be her monster hips which makes her a perfect ten?
Is she known by her famous butt thick and round, petite and flat?
or could it be her peacock strut which lets you know she's all that?
however you see her, let me say that the black woman is well on her way
to becoming phenomenal and it's all good!
Is it by her sassy mouth you define loud and boasting, humble and meek
or her ability to know a played out line she tells you when your rap is weak
maybe you see her as low class or define her as cold and brash
no matter what her complexion and size she's black and you need to recognize
you don't have a clue you see the black woman is whatever she wants to be
fearless and strong, she's got it going on!
Is it her unwillingness to back down which makes you scratch your head and frown?
the black woman is not easily bent she stands her ground and represents
her skin is not what makes her black let me define her while you step back
the black woman is...
From midnight black to almost white nappy or straight, she gets it right
tall or short, fat or thin, it doesn't matter, she's loved by men
brown eyes, green eyes, quiet or loud she gets attention and can draw a crowd
So when you see her give her respect, for she's the best thing you've ever met
she's bold and beautiful, real and precise
she's america's sugar and africa's spice!
by S. Denice Newton