10 Nov More controversy over Jena 6 Funds

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Now as one who was very close to this story it pains me to have to even post this, but it is the right thing to do. As far as I am concerned Michael Baisden has already done irreparable damage to the Jena 6 cause and to the African American Online Community which rallied to the defense of the Jena 6 so this shouldn't make much difference. To ignore it would show a lack of integrity. It really hurts me because I devoted months to this cause even speaking at a rally in Washington D.C. in front of the U.S. Capital to help the Jena 6. I am starting to wonder if I and others were played for fools. ( At the moment I still think we did the right thing. )

It seems that many more questions are being raised about the Jena 6 funds and the Chicago Tribune has ran a story on this topic. Please use the link below to read the story:



Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55