11 Nov Let's Boycott Michael Baisden

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Let's Boycott Michael Baisden

I don't write this post lightly. But Michael Baisdens actions may have done irreparable damage to the Jena 6 Movement and cast a bad light on the online African American Community as a whole. I believe that at no point has he treated the black bloggers and web sites with any type of respect. When it was those bloggers that keep this story alive back when he was talking about pimps in the pulpit and the swinging lifestyle trying to pass that off as "Grown Folks Radio".

You get the perception that there was no "Jena 6" until he rolled up on the scene. You get the perception that if he or his staff are not handling something it's "shady".

Although he has apologized to Color of Change he can't take back what has been said. Michael Baisden said on air that Color of Changes founder James Rucker ".. sounds kind of shady to me".

Not only did he say that but after slandering this man went on to promote his own fundraiser that upcoming weekend. If that's not shady I don't know what is.

In a Chicago Tribune article written by Howard Witt Color Of Change came of great while Michael Biasden refused to admit how much he had collected and Mychal Bell's lawyers say that they have gotten no monies from Michael Baisden's Fund.

Now who is acting shady?

I say that those of us in the online African American Community need to treat Michael Baisden with the same respect he gives us. Let's just tune him out and boycott his show. Not only that but let's contact ABC radio http://www.abcradionetworks.com/contactus.asp?s=2  and the local affiliates that carry his show with our displeasure. Let's let him know how those brothers and sisters at Color of Change felt like when they were attacked.


George Cook www.letstalkhonestly.com

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55