28 Sep No black support, Miracle at St Anna flops

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Spike Lee's Miracle at St Anna opened to just 3.5 million over the weekend. Now I know a war movie is a tough sell right now as we are all tired of war.

Now I didn't expect it to open it #1 but I thought it would open closer to 10 million. But silly me I forget that it didn't feature a black man in a dress or a lot of cooning. It didn't feature blacks killing each other or a comedian using as much foul language as humanly possible in 90 minutes. So of course many whites didn't go see it but sadly many blacks did not either. I should not have been surprised.

Read the entire article here: http://www.letstalkhonestly.com/blacknewsblackviews.html

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55