28 Sep Manage Business Related Stress with Prayer and Meditation

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Hi Izania Family, this is the last in a series on
dealing with business related stress with prayer
and meditation. You may ask what is the difference
between prayer and meditation?

While I don't consider myself an expert or guru on
either one of these subjects I will give you my 2
cents on the difference. Prayer could be described
as communicating or talking with God.

When we pray we tell God all about our life, goals,
challenges, wants, needs, etc. May be some of us
thankful ones will actually thank God for all our
blessings. People tend to ask God for a lot of
stuff with our prayers (me included).

While on the other hand with meditation we focus
more on experiencing the love of God. You don't
ask for a lot of stuff -- you simply focus on a
phrase or chat like God is Love. You try to let
the love of God imbue you on a deep spiritual

If you are really stressed out and can't go to
sleep at night try meditating to take your mind
off your problems. Meditation and Pray gave me
peace of mind when my doctor told me I had one
and possibly 2 forms of cancer.

P.S. To share your inspiring moments of faith and
business visit my blog at...

Have a Blessed and Prosperous Day,


Bio: Kamau Austin enjoys sharing business
funding tips. For more insights visit...
http://www.RaiseCashFast.com . Austin is
also a well regarded search engine friendly
design expert. You can order his eBook at...
or visit http://www.SearchEnginePlan.com
For Web Design go to...
http://www.eBizbyDesign.com . He is also the
publisher of tech biz site: www.eINfoNews.com
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55