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Evidently, President Obama's "FIERCE URGENCY OF NOW!" and his desire for black fathers to be involved in the lives of our children DOES NOT APPLY TO MY YOUNG (NOW TEENAGED) BI-RACIAL SONS, EVAN & ETHAN SINCLAIR, and Parental Alienation Syndrome.

Earlier this year I mailed a detailed letter, (Dated: 4/22/09) - and DOCUMENTED EVIDENCE - regarding THE DIRE PLIGHT OF MY YOUNG BI-RACIAL SONS (The Unjust & Un-necessary Total Alienation Of Two Bi-racial Boys From Their Black Father - Who Was A "Stay-At-Home Dad" And Their "Primary Caregiver") to President Obama via Certified Mail (Article # 7008 1300 0002 1541 2976).

I also sent copies of the same letter (and DOCUMENTED EVIDENCE) to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder; NYS Governor David Paterson; and NYS Attorney General Andrew Cuomo.

A few months later I sent a postcard reminder to The President (Dated: 7/13/09), afterwhich I sent yet another reminder of my children's dire plight via email to The President as well as A.G. Holder; Gov. Paterson; and A.G. Cuomo.

PLEASE NOTE:  A Child Protective Services Investigation Report prepared by Mattie Stevens and Ellen Sciolino (Dated: 7/6/2000) revealed disturbing OBSERVATIONS and concluded with the following serious concerns regarding Evan & Ethan because of the observable DETRIMENTAL EFFECTS that their total alienation from me was beginning to have:  "THERE IS CONCERN FOR THE CHILDREN'S (EVAN'S & ETHAN'S) EMOTIONAL STABILITY IN REGARDS TO THEM NOT SEEING THEIR FATHER (ME)."

 PLUS:  NYS Penal Law 260.10 defines ENDANGERING THE WELFARE OF A CHILD as follows:  Any person(s) who "knowingly acts in a manner likely to be injurious to the physical, MENTAL or moral welfare of a child".

Hence, The two [white] Law Guardians; Several C.P.S. Caseworkers; And even the Family Court Officials who have been aware of the aforementioned OBSERVATIONS and serious concerns about the DETRIMENTAL EFFECTS that the unjust and un-necessary total alienation of Evan & Ethan from me was beginning to have on their "EMOTIONAL STABILITY" - But who continuously condoned (if not actually encouraged) this blatant PSYCHOLOGICAL ABUSE (for TEN [10] YEARS thusfar) - have, in fact, been commiting the CRIME of "Endangering The Welfare Of A Child" against my young bi-racial sons.  That crime is classified as "a misdemeanor". 

Actually, after I walked from Rochester, NY, to Albany, NY, then to Washington, DC, during the Summer of 2001 for "The ONE-Man March - A Father's Walk For LOVE & Justice", in order to prove how much I love and miss and am determined to be reunited with Evan & Ethan - and to expose the blatant racial and religious bigotry that we have been subjected to, and the corruption and unethical practices occuring in the Family Court; CPS; and the Law Guardian Dept. etc. - The vindictive and malicious - systematic - exploitation of my innocent and very vulnerable young sons (and use of them as PAWNS and as WEAPONS against me) understandably became even more egregious.

Yet, despite all of The President's eloquent expressions about "THE FIERCE URGENCY OF NOW!" and his often repeated "Tough-Love" criticisms and admonitions about (against) "absentee" (non-custodial) black fathers in particular for not being involved in our children's lives - And despite the Attorney General's criticism about the fact that Americans are still not willing and courageous enough to address and openly discuss issues involving racial injustice, etc. - I HAVE NOT YET RECEIVED ANY RESPONSE FROM EITHER OF THEM (OR FROM GOV. PATERSON OR NYS ATTY. GEN. CUOMO) - WHILE THE DIRE PLIGHT OF MY TWO YOUNG SONS - WHO ARE NOW REPORTEDLY TROUBLED TEENS - CONTINUES!

Of course, since Bill Cosby and his friend, Dr. Alvin Poussaint, the Harvard Psychiatrist and co-author of his book, Come On People, also started a crusade stressing a lot of tough-love criticisms and exhortations about "absentee" (non custodial) black fathers - I would certainly be extremely interested in knowing what THEY might think and be willing to say about the dire plight of two, young bi-racial boys being unjustly and un-necessarily TOTALLY ALIENATED from their black father - and indisputably used as weapons against their black father?

Obviously, if any ONE of the highly esteemed and apparently honorable Gentlemen mentioned above - from President Obama to Professor Poussaint - would manifest just a degree of GENUINE CONCERN and, of course, some INTEGRITY and COURAGE - any ONE of them could singlehandedly cause this gross injustice and my maliciously exploited and victimized children's dire plight to cease (almost IMMEDIATELY) simply by taking less than ONE MINUTE (60 seconds) to stand in front of a microphone and state the following facts (which most of them have already been provided with DOCUMENTED EVIDENCE to prove): 

"Evan & Ethan Sinclair are two, now teenaged, bi-racial boys in Upstate NY, who have been and continue to be unjustly and un-necessarily totally alienated from their black father, Joshua Ryan Sinclair - FOR TEN (10) YEARS - even though their black father was a "Stay-At-Home Dad" and their "Primary Caregiver" - And even though a Child Protective Services Investigation Report, Dated: 7/6/2000 revealed disturbing observations and concluded by expressing very serious concerns about Evan's & Ethan's "EMOTIONAL STABILITY" - because of the clearly observable detrimental EFFECTS that the unjust and un-necessary total alienation from their black father was beginning to have on them.  Clearly, their case needs to be thoroughly investigated - And they need to be reunited with their father as soon as possible." 

Immediately thereafter, the media would obviously rush to thoroughly examine the DOCUMENTED EVIDENCE regarding Evan's & Ethan's dire plight (which, ironically, much of the media has also already been provided with - since 1999 when I began planning and promoting "The ONE- Man March - A Father's Walk For LOVE & Justice"); The individual members of the local, Monroe County, NY, chapter of "The Bigot's Brigade" in the Family Court; C.P.S.; and The Law Guardian Dept., etc., would begin scurring like crazy attempting to hide in any whatever crevice they can find - like the bunch of filthy human-cockroaches that they are - being afraid of the "light" ("TRUTH"); And the long-awaited reunion of my two older sons, Evan & Ethan would certainly be scheduled A.S.A.P. - And they would also finally be allowed to meet and begin to establish a relationship with their little, 3-year old brother, Eian-Gabriel, who they have not yet been allowed to meet or to even speak to...   

...to be continued...

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55