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The 10,000 MILE WALK (Completely AROUND The USA) FOR CHILDREN'S RIGHTS has been postponed (pending the replacement of the support vehicle).  Nevertheless, my small crew and I are still on "STANDBY" (basically ready to go) and I am eager to get started.

I will WALK from Rochester, NY to Seattle, WA, then San Diego, CA, then Miami, FL, then Bangor, Maine (via Washington, DC), then back to Rochester, NY, via Albany, NY.  If it is GOD'S WILL I will average 30 miles each day and complete the march within ONE-YEAR.

The primary purpose of the march is to raise awareness regarding "CHILDREN'S RIGHTS" (Malachi 4:5&6 [3:23&24 in the Catholic Bible]) - As well as to indisputably manifest my immeasureable love and concern for (and devotion to) my children, Evan, Ethan & Eian Sinclair.

I also hope and pray that I will be blessed to shatter some of the common stereotypes regarding black & latino fathers, and to exhort feuding parents to cease using innocent children as pawns & weapons during or after custody disputes (or because of any conflict between the child[ren]'s parents).  And to expose bias, corruption and incompetence in the Family Court, Law Guardian & CPS system across the USA - A $30 BILLION DOLLAR PER YER INDUSTRY which treats children as mere pawns and commodities. 

 Hence, in addition to Malachi 4:5&6,  The 10,000 MILE WALK (Completely AROUND The USA) FOR CHILDREN'S RIGHTS is inspired by The Only True God, Jehovah (Psalm 83:18), His holy spirit, and His word, The Bible, including Isaiah 1:17

Concerned Citizens and anyone else who may be interested in following the progress of the march can do so via the "CHILDRENS RIGHTS" page and the "10,000 MILE WALK ... FOR CHILDREN'S RIGHTS" page on Facebook.  And/or "TheONEManMarch" page and the "BlackDadWalkin" page on Twitter.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55