08 Sep Calling All Youth & The Purpose-Driven Too!

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<p><img src="http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l8eqjii5Y21qbmb28.jpg" />Generation BEFY Network is a youth/community empowerment movement designed to act as a counter and deterrent to destructive lifestyle choices such as drugs, gangs, and violence. Generation BEFY encourages and assists those who desire to pursue higher education and/or personal self-development. GBN was introduced to the general public in April, 2010. Awards were developed and distributed in honor of the first speakers and contributors to the first conference/symposium. We are now issuing calls for submission of nominees for the 2011 awards which are as follows:</p>
<p><span> </span></p>
<p>&nbsp;B.E.F.Y Empowerment will annually recognize and award&nbsp;12 deserving individuals who have answered the call for positive change through educational excellence and&nbsp;pursuits, positive attitude, &nbsp;community activism, or personal self development. These awards are given in honor of founding contributors to the first annual BEFY Education &amp; Networking Symposium held April 22-24, 2010 in Wilson, NC.</p>
<p>Forrest Toms Young Scholar Award: <strong>This annual award is given to a student who consistently maintains a&nbsp;3.0 or higher GPA with aspirations to pursue higher education and/or an advanced degree.</strong></p>
<p>Calvin Ellison Visionary Award: <strong>This annual award is given to an individual that is actively pursuing a vision that will positively impact the community.</strong></p>
<p>Daryl Woodard Leader of Tomorrow Award: <strong>This annual award is given to an individual displaying positive &nbsp;leadership characteristics.</strong></p>
<p>Marcedes Fuller Young &amp; Gifted Award:<strong>&nbsp;This annual award is given to an individual under age 30 that is gifted in the area of ministry, arts, public speaking, or academics.</strong></p>
<p>Howard/Fowler-Davis Destined For Greatness Award: <strong>This annual award is given to an individual who continues to accomplish and achieve in the face of obstacles and odds.</strong></p>
<p>Robert X. Golphin Young Man Of Purpose Award: <strong>This annual award is given to a young male under age 30 that displays a positive attitude, excels academically, and possesses leadership qualities.</strong></p>
<p>Reginald Bullock U-turn Award: <strong>This annual award is given to an individual once heading down a negative path personally, academically, spiritually or otherwise, who has taken steps to walk in a more positive direction.</strong></p>
<p>Carletha Ward Determination Award:&nbsp;<strong>This annual award is given to an individual who&nbsp; is determined to pursue dreams and goals in the face of obstacles and/or adversity.</strong></p>
<p>LaTanya Davis Young Lady of Purpose Award:&nbsp;<strong>This annual award is given to a young female under age&nbsp;</strong><strong>30 that displays a positive attitude, excels academically, and possesses leadership qualities.</strong></p>
<p>Joseph S. Davis Chasing&nbsp;The Dream Award<strong>:&nbsp;This annual award is given to an individual who is enthusiastically pursuing a dream or goal that will financially empower the community.</strong></p>
<p>Dameion L. Royal Mind on Ministry Award:&nbsp;<strong>This annual award is given to an individual whose focus is on developing a ministry that will bring spiritual empowerment to the community.</strong></p>
<p>B.E.F.Y Empowerment Award<strong>: This annual award is given to an individual who is academically giifted, engages in volunteerism, and is an all-around positive individual focused on community.</strong></p>
<p><strong>To nominate an individual for any of the above awards, please contact S. Denice Newton at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.&nbsp;&nbsp;and briefly describe why this nominee should be considered. A formal application will be sent to you at that time.</strong></p>
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55