11 Sep 9/11: A Day of Remembrance and Tolerance

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Nine years ago today thousands of people lost their lives in an attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. It has been called the worst terrorist attack in our nation's history.

There's no doubt that what happened was a tragedy and should never be forgotten. But what we ought to forget are the bigots and other idiots who have used this day to fuel the flames of hatred against others: Folks like Terry Jones, who calls himself a Reverand in Florida. For the past couple of weeks, this man has generated tons of media coverage for threatening to burn the Quran--a man with a congregation of about 50 people. This act alone should make everyone question whether Jones was called to the pulpit by a Higher Power or if he called himself. One could argue that he, too, is a terrorist threat.

9/11 should be a day of remembrance---but also of tolerance for others who may not worship as we do. Not every Muslim is a terrorist and those who believe that are small-minded.

Instead of focusing so much on the things that divide us--why not work on healing those wounds and proving to the rest of the world that America is great for something other than war.
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55